Unable to obtain health insurance through your employer? Don't worry, you have plenty of alternative options. Find out how the healthcare laws affect you and learn more about obtaining health insurance on your own.
For individuals who no longer have employer health benefits. Learn more about how to continue your health coverage with COBRA insurance coverage and its alternatives.
For those retiring before age 65 and who are not yet eligible for Medicare. Find out if you qualify for subsidies that make your individual coverage more affordable and accessible.
Retirees who are 65 and older qualify for Medicare. Learn more about the various components of Medicare and your coverage options.
Health care is changing but what does it mean for you? Find out how the healthcare laws affect you and learn more about obtaining health insurance on your own.
Below are some resources to help you get started. We also have a thorough knowledge base of FAQs available.
A brief overview of how health insurance exchanges work
A summary look at Medicare, Medicaid and CHIP
Explains who qualifies for subsidies and how they are calculated